Principal Investigators
DfPi is the Clinical Trial Arm of Doctors for Providers
As technology evolves and many clinical trials are becoming decentralized, we are here to solve the challenge of finding quality principal investigators in all specialties, licensed across all states, and in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Why Dfpi:
- Access to thousands of board-certified physicians interested in participating in clinical trials.
- Physicians are licensed across all 50 states, many possessing multiple state licenses.
- Physicians who are experienced in clinical research.
- Physicians are available in all specialties.
- Ability to secure multiple physicians for one clinical trial.
- Cost-effective and fast placement of physicians into trials.
- Physician fees are calculated by a number of study participants and hourly to allow for study ramp-up with minimal financial risk to your organization.
- No physician placement fees.
DfPi Physician Specialties:
- Oncology
- Infectious Disease
- Rheumatology
- Psychiatry
- Neurology
- Dermatology
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Surgical Specialties
- And Many More
How does DfPi work:
- Let us know your physical needs and the clinical trial responsibilities.
- We will provide CVs of physicians that match your needs.
- We will set up Zoom meetings with prospective principal investigators.
- We will bill you based on the number of trial participants or physician’s hourly monthly commitment.
- We will pay the physicians and provide all 1099s.